Mohanji Foundation

“Ignite Your Inner Self”

Wellness programme

Mohanji Foundation Canada is Non Profit Organization (No.-1015358-3).
The foundation is established in more than 17 countries worldwide and is based on the teachings of the founder, Mohanji.

The aim of the Foundation is to add value to society by promoting positive human values such as kindness, compassion and non violence and to bring awareness to people , connect them to themselves, make them stable and to improve people’s physical and mental wellbeing using a variety of practices based on yoga and meditation.

This special programme is designed for the mental health and wellbeing based on simple but effective universal techniques as described below. For more information please visit

“Ignite Your Inner Self” programme can include one or more of the activities from below and could be done as an individual session or a combination, thus lasting from an hour to half a day or even a full day programme.

Such sessions and regular practices will enable the people to recognise their inner strength and power which will help them to shine from within and will take them towards total transformation on the path of empowerment.

These activities will empower them to recognising their true self, to be themselves, to be natural and rise above all situations to handle any kind of stress and adversities.

These sessions will be run by trained volunteers in these activities. For any queries and further details, please write to

  • Mohanji Foundation
  • Mohanji Foundation
  • Mohanji Foundation
  • Mohanji Foundation
  • Mohanji Foundation
  • Mohanji Foundation
  • Mohanji Foundation
  • Mohanji Foundation
  • Mohanji Foundation
  • Mohanji Foundation