
5 posts

Marianna Martinez Wellness

Marianna Martinez Wellness

HOLISTIC NUTRITION WITH BIOFEEDBACK ASSESSMENT During this session the focus is directed towards any imbalances in physical structure and stuck emotions that can be leading to distress. The body is being scanned by sending in frequencies. Once the response is recorded by Biofeedback machine, some patterns of stress, toxicities, pathogens, allergies and sensitivities, nutritional deficiencies and other dysfunctions can be detected. The body’s energy field will also be assessed.  The Quantum Biofeedback machine is used […]

Access Consciousness

Access Consciousness GTA

Access Consciousness – Access Bars® Access BARS® is a gentle hands-on modality that quiets the mind. The Bars are 32 points on the head which, when gently touched, effortlessly and easily can release physical and mental blocks stored in the body. Each of these points stores the energy of all the thoughts, ideas, judgements, attitudes, decisions and beliefs you have ever had in your lifetime. This is an opportunity for you to let go of […]

Mohanji Foundation

Mohanji Foundation Canada

“Ignite Your Inner Self” Wellness programme Mohanji Foundation Canada is Non Profit Organization (No.-1015358-3).The foundation is established in more than 17 countries worldwide and is based on the teachings of the founder, Mohanji. The aim of the Foundation is to add value to society by promoting positive human values such as kindness, compassion and non violence and to bring awareness to people , connect them to themselves, make them stable and to improve people’s physical […]


Aromatherapy Oils, lotions and potions

Aromatherapy and essential oils have been know to used for over 6000 years. It includes a range of traditional, alternative or complementary therapies that use essential oils. These oils are made from aromatic plant compounds and are used for holistic healing. You can use the oils for yourself and some are even safe for your pets as well. The Meta Expo is a great place to find quality oils and lotions to address all your […]


Oracle Card Reader & Reiki Master Corinne Clapham

Divine messages to best guide you on your highest path. Intuitive Oracle Card Reader, Medium, & Past Life Healing. To give you more clarity and support in moving forward on the best path possible. Messages for healing and transformation.  Reiki Practitioner & Master. Energy healing to clear out the inner stagnation. Balance your chakras.  Corinne Clapham is the Creator/Founder of Inner Paradise. Which focuses on inner healing utilizing various natural methods & modalities. She guides […]