High Priestess Lady Rose (aka Rhonda) has been on her spiritual quest probably more lifetimes than she can remember. As a child she was known in her family for being able to read thoughts (baby Rhonda’s words) and communing with the dead. She has training in many areas including certified life coaching, Reiki Master, as a grief and bereavement therapist, Angel & Crystal energy healer, professional Tarot Card Reader, Astrologist, Fairyologist as well as a palm reader – but with all of this and few not mentioned she sees herself as a Fulfillment Facilitator- 
As a life coach she can show you how to navigate the river of life but as a Fulfillment Facilitator she will show you how to MOVE the river to whatever destination you want to – she will give you the tools to change your destiny! 
Rhonda is a Mohawk of the Iroquois Nation and of the Bear Clan (the bears are the healers in the tribes) this it was only natural that she went down the healers path. But she started in the physical realm – having open her own spa business almost 20 years ago – her spa was a great success employing 10 estheticians, 2 Hairstylists, and in house makeup artist,yoga teachers, belly dance teachers and a host of guest presenters! She had tons of fun empowering women and showing them the beauty of nurturing themselves- and being a fluffy girl herself much of her focus was on services for the other fluffy ladies out there. But when she was diagnosed with cancer in the winter of 2010 she decided to close her doors and focus her healing energy and enter the battlefield ready to take on cancer! She was successful! (Otherwise this would be the end of the story). But it was after her summer of recovery that she was shifted and life would never be the same! An exciting journey was to begin – not without its bouts of depression & anxiety – but once true connection and surrender with Spirit happened everything fell in to place! And it was glorious!!  She knew then that all of her journeys the good ones, the bad, the exciting the tragic for all for this purpose ~ to be here to help those on their journeys too ~ to be the light for someone’s shadows. 
And that’s when HEAP of Abundance was revealed to her! HEAP (Happily Ever After Program of Abundance!)




Fairy Candles