
2 posts

Goddess Garage Tarot Magic Love

Goddess Garage

High Priestess Lady Rose (aka Rhonda) has been on her spiritual quest probably more lifetimes than she can remember. As a child she was known in her family for being able to read thoughts (baby Rhonda’s words) and communing with the dead. She has training in many areas including certified life coaching, Reiki Master, as a grief and bereavement therapist, Angel & Crystal energy healer, professional Tarot Card Reader, Astrologist, Fairyologist as well as a […]

AstroScience Astrologer Gautam Kamboj

Astro Science Astrologer Gautam Kamboj

Canada’s only Birth Time Rectification specialist and Master of K.P System/Indian Vedic Astrology. @astroscience @astroscience_gk Gautam is proficient with various methods of Indian Vedic Astrology including K.P. System of The Great Indian Astrologer, late Professor K.S. Krishnamurti in 2012 and won many awards/accomplishments as youngest Astrologer and since then professionally practicing & teaching topics such as Astrology, Numerology, Vastu-Shastra & Palmistry.  His birth time rectification skill helps him calculate the correct exact birth time of his clients followed […]