The Whispering Song School of Energy Medicine and Clinic offers holistic psychoeducational programs and courses for practitioners and general interest students. We offer Shamanic Healings and Readings based on my book Thirteen Canoes®, which is based on the Seneca Medicine and Celtic Wisdom Wheels. 

Products: Shamanic Meditation CD’s and MP3’s, Dowsing rods, crystal and stones, Thirteen Canoes® Divination Cards/Wheels.


Gaisheda’s Biography

Gaisheda Kheawok is a Tribal Peace Elder, a Tribal Psychotherapist, Tribal Astrologer, Medicine Person and Shamanic Priestess, known as the Messenger of The Mother.  She is the Founder/Executive Director of the Whispering Song School of Energy Medicine – an innovative School delivering holistic psychoeducational programs for individuals seeking personal growth and practitioners interested in progressive professional development.  Gaisheda is on faculty and is a Member of the Association of Comprehensive Energy Psychology (ACEP), the Canadian Association for Integrative Energy Therapies (CAIET), and is member of the Seneca Indian Historical Society and the International Society for Astrological Research (ISAR).

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