Root Chakra also known as Muladhara is one of the energy centers in human body located at the base of the spine or in the groin area. It is expressed generally by a lotus with four petals and the represented by the colour red.

Root Chakra’s Characteristics:
It’s the very first chakra in human body and associated with functional characteristics which decides the basic nature of an individual. It impacts and affects the insecurity factors and survival of the individual in the society where the individual lives. This chakra helps to achieve the basic needs of an individual like food, home, self-security and preservation. This chakra helps us to find all our hidden potentials in life but simultaneously helps in the preservation of your individuality.
What happens when root Chakra is Imbalanced?
If we look at the emotional traits of an individual, when this chakra is imbalanced it may lead to extreme negativity and cynicism. It may lead to excessive eating and eating disorders, or may turn your mindset into envy, jealousy or greed and a sense of insecurity or helplessness.

You may feel that the entire world starts appearing as a foe and at every instance of life. You may start feeling the sense of a potential threat or everyone is out to get you. Many people with an imbalanced root chakra feel they are unsure about the future and generally feel unmotivated to do anything or get going to accomplish goals.
How to Open and Maintain Root-Chakra?
It is obvious that maintenance and opening of different chakras can be different and here we are quite focused on the ways to maintain and opening the root chakra.

- Root Chakra Stones and Jewelry for Healing purpose: Many people feel that wearing a stone which is well energized will help in opening your root chakra. Red Jasper comes to the rescue in opening your chakra. Other Stones: Smokey Quartz, Red Garnet, Hematite, Black Tourmaline, Black Onyx to name just a few.
- Meditation and Yogas related: Sit in straight posture and focus on the lower spine region of your body. Try to feel empowered within yourself and focus on the colour red because the root chakra is red in colour. Imagine a red glowing light emanating from your root chakra.
- Suggestions regarding Diet and Food: organic food (which could be anything in nature) helps a lot in opening and takes care of the root chakra perfectly. Try to take Protein-rich foods, red foods, root vegetables like garlic, beetroot, potatoes etc. These could be really beneficial because these foods are associated with earth so they help a lot in feeding your root chakra.
- Reiki: Considering having a Reiki treatment. Sometimes you need a little more help to open up the chakra and help align energies inside the body. Reiki is a non-intrusive practice that works with your bodies own energies to get them flowing naturally.

Written by: The Meta Expo