Jerry Mystic

Jerry Mystic

What message do the gods have for you today?

Runes are the letter alphabet of the Viking, Celtic, and Germanic tribes. The difference between runes and other alphabets is that each letter has a separate meaning. They are carved on fruitwood tiles, one letter per tile.

How do Runes work?
The Three Fates are in charge of spinning, cutting, and weaving the thread of our lives and all living things into the fabric of existence. We can read these threads by connecting our own life-thread with the life-threads of the runes. When we choose and cast the runes, we can read the resonances and connections between ourselves and others.

How are Runes read?
For a quick question, think of your question and draw a rune out of the pouch. The single rune provides your answer.

For more detailed answers, draw three or nine runes from the pouch, shake them and cast them like dice. Where and how they fall indicates their importance in the reading. Runes that land face up are your present situation. Runes that land close together or touching are related or the same thing. Runes that land closer to the center are more important than runes that land near the edge of the cast. The face-up runes are read first.

Are Runes like Tarot?
Runes and Tarot use a similar mechanism for reading futures; both use the choosing from an assortment of objects to give answers. Both Runes and Tarot give a more accurate answer when more runes or cards are cast or dealt.

In-person or distance. Contact Jerry to book an appointment.
Phone: 519-662-4009

  • Runes
  • Runes
  • Runes
  • Runes
  • Jerry Mystic